About Us
Established in 2017, SHF has rapidly grown to be a trusted provider of healthcare services in the communities throughout South Africa. This growth is credited to the many members of staff, implementation partners, consultants, management and directors past and present, who deploy their skills, time and relationships in pursuit of our mission.

"I am proud of the many milestones we have surpassed since I joined SHF. I am humbled by the extraordinary effort and dedication of our teams, especially those on the field striving to deliver on our commitments. Indeed, Re Tlo Kgona—we will achieve."
Angela D. Make
Our Impact
Our Vision

Our focus on targeted healthcare and climate solutions directly supports the WHO, AU, and Africa CDC’s shared vision for African health. By delivering proven services, we strengthen health systems, address key health challenges, promote well-being through climate action, and reach underserved urban and rural populations, effectively translating broad aspirations into tangible local improvements.
Our Mission

Having cut our teeth in South Africa, with diverse networks and programs, we believe that better health is possible for all people in Africa when we empower people in communities to develop and deploy innovative solutions for their health and wellbeing, even in the wake of climate change, conflict and scarcity of resources. Anchoring us on this mission is our Treati Values
- Teamwork
- Respect
- Excellence
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Innovation